Yuchen Yan

Hangzhou, China · +86 - 195 5010 7856 · yanyuchen@zju.edu.cn

Empowering Human Life with Artificial Intelligence Technology!

Education 📕

Zhejiang University

Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Graph, Natual Language Processing
September 2022 - Present

Beijing Normal University

Bachelor Degree
Information Management and Information System (Major)
Data Science and Big Data Technology (Minor)
September 2018 - June 2022

Academic 📝

Intelligent Analysis and Reasoning for Cross Media Content Management

Technological Innovation 2030- "New Generation Artificial Intelligence" Major Project

- Multimodal retrieval on a knowledge base of tens of millions of products

- Efficient extraction of product text and visual features using CLIP

- Using Faiss to construct a vector retrieval index, with a retrieval time of less than 0.5 seconds and an accuracy rate of no less than 85%

September 2022 - Present

Multi-dimensional indexing of scientific papers for domain knowledge organization

Undergraduate Thesis

- Design functional vocabulary recognition algorithm and subject word hyponym relationship calculation method

- Automatic functional indexing and subject indexing of 900000 scientific papers in 1203 technological fields

- Build a knowledge graph of scientific papers, including 1.9 million nodes and 16.4 million relationships

- Design a knowledge graph based scientific paper retrieval system to support scholars' exploratory retrieval needs

- Publication: Yan, Y., & Chen, C. SciGraph: A Knowledge Graph Constructed by Function and Topic Annotation of Scientific Papers[C]. EEKE@JCDL2022.

November 2021 - June 2022

Research on Domain Term Recognition and Terminology Standardization for Technical Themes

Open Fund Project of the Key Laboratory for Content Organization and Knowledge Services of Rich Media Digital Publishing

- Building a Terminological Co-occurrence Network and a Terminological semantic network

- Form a hierarchical conceptual system of terminology based on the generated network

- Based on a hierarchical concept system, sort out the granularity of concepts and complete the standardization of terminology concepts

May 2022 - December 2022

Research on Multidimensional Academic Expertise Identification and Attribute Measurement for Quantitative Evaluation of Scientific Researchers

National Social Science Foundation Project

- Responsible for semantic based knowledge entity extraction and entity linking

September 2021 - June 2022

Research and development of models and algorithms related to technological innovation data services

Horizontal project entrusted by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Ministry of Science and Technology

- Conduct tasks such as Chinese image classification, topic word recommendation, and entity recommendation on 5.5 million scientific and technological papers

June 2021 - June 2022

Research on Network Rumor Recognition Model and Characteristics of Domestic Public Health Emergencies Based on Deep Learning Method

Beijing Municipal College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Project

- Crawl online rumors related to the COVID-19, analyze the characteristics of rumors, and propose deep characteristics such as public trust index and microblog influence

- Build a text model based on BERT and integrate it with emotional models, user and communication models, with an F1 value of 0.93

- Publication: 颜聿辰,郑婧林,李轶楠,陈翀. 基于多维特征和集成学习的网络谣言识别研究. 2021年中国情报学年会.

June 2020 - June 2021

Skills 🎯

Programming Languages & Tools
  • Proficient in using Python, MySQL, and Java
  • Familiar with the Pytorch
  • Familiar with a series of natural language processing pipelines provided by HuggingFace
  • Proficient in simple web front-end design (Vue&Element UI) and back-end (Spring Boot) writing
  • Understand Neo4j graph database and RDF graph database

Project 🔧

A Knowledge Graph Based Retrieval System for Scientific and Technological Papers

Support paper retrieval, graph display, functional indexing, theme indexing, and other functions. Software copyright: 2022SR080509

Multi-modal knowledge retrieval system

Support functions of text search and image search. Software copyright:2023SR1012911

A Film Q&A System Based on Knowledge Graph

Answering natural language questions on the Neo4j graph database

Terminology Standardization for Technical Themes

Standardize terminology, form a conceptual hierarchy, and support retrieval within the conceptual hierarchy

Student Activity Management System

Decentralized display function, supporting the entire process of activity application, approval, and settlement, and supporting functions such as sending emails and generating PDFs

MyMusic Music Retrieval System

Supports multi-platform music retrieval, supports music and singer retrieval, and supports user record retention